Declining Numbers
Liptember 2024 - Day 23
Why do numbers decline when you work so hard to build them? Life itself is bit of a numbers game.
We measure just about everything. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades. In business we measure sales, profits, return on investment, interest rates, taxes.
To get our numbers up, we usually get help. And when things are going well, we tend to stop analysing the numbers and go about our business. It's in this phase, that we miss the decline, and stop asking for help.
By the time we realise, it may be too late. The Liptember research found this year that while 70% of Indigenous women were seeking help in 2023, only 60% are seeking help today which is a significant decline.
This tells me that the difference - the 10% - are either ignoring the need for help, haven't noticed that their mental health is on the decline or there are not enough services to accommodate all those seeking help.
It's just my opinion, but its a numbers game and we need to thank The Liptember Foundation for their annual analysis of the numbers.
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