Another Liptember Complete.
Liptember 2024 - Day 30
I'm so proud to again have participated in the Liptember campaign. Five years ago, I was in lockdown with my kids, working from home and homeschooling. It was a really tough time. I was also very new to social media and producing content for a direct selling business I set up to find myself again. Something just for me. Something where I could learn new skills, help others, meet new people and have an outlet from my real job. It was fun trying on all the different shades of lip colours I had at the time, but also fun to just pop into people’s news fields to provide a distraction from their own version of lockdown.
Fast forward from 2020 into 2024 and things are much the same as they were pre-lockdowns except we have different stresses now, and perhaps we haven't all yet completely recovered from that time. But alas, we go on.
I hope I have raised more awareness during 2024. I know I've made people smile during the crazy colours. I hope we have lessened the stigma about mental health a little bit more. You can't pour from an empty cup and self-care isn't selfish. Todays statistic shows that only 30% of women know exactly where to go to seek help for their mental health issues. 60% have a ‘general idea.’ So here are some numbers and places you can seek out if you need help. It's OK to ask for help. You are not a personal failure. Be real, not perfect. Be kind, be brave, be yourself. See you for Liptember 2025.
Start with your GP or local doctor.
Lifeline Crisis Line 13 11 14 24/7
Kids Helpline for years 5 to 25
Suicide Call Back 1300 659 467 24/7
1800 RESPECT 24/7
Butterfly National Helpline 1800 33 4673 8am - midnight
If you’d like to make a Tax Deductible Donation to Liptember, you can donate here.