Perinatal depression.

Liptember 2024 - Day 11

I consider myself lucky.

29% of women who experienced pregnancy or have given birth this year also experience perinatal depression. I experienced a lot during and after my pregnancies but nothing compared to the desperation these 29% of women are going through. I've also witnessed what this type of depression does to the loved ones of the woman who is suffering. They feel helpless. They don't know what to do. Everything they do to help is seemingly wrong. All this is happening when there's a vulnerable baby that needs to be cared for. Everyone, despite the depression, loves this child, but everyone's world is falling apart. And whilst today is a memorable day in history, somehow we will get through. We will pick up the pieces, there is always light and help at the end of the tunnel.

To the 29% of women who feel helpless & judged & don't want to leave the house ... we see you. We might not understand your exact situation but we are here whenever you need & in whatever capacity you need.

If you’d like to make a Tax Deductible Donation to Liptember, you can donate here.


R U Ok & PTSD.


We all know someone … TW