R U Ok & PTSD.

Liptember 2024 - Day 12

This year the Liptember Foundation found that 23% of women who experience fertility challenges have PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. On days like these when people ask 'R U OK?' maybe you're not Ok & that's Ok. What if you just feel 'off' but don't know why? Would you consider or link the fertility issue to a condition such as PTSD? It usually takes a counsellor or mental health professional to diagnose these underlying connections. I often wonder what a diagnosed birth trauma looks like because most mums have a story about their birth that is so personal to them & their body, it's hard to express into works & feelings. So if you're feeling 'off' & you don't know why, but you know it's not normal for you, reach out & talk to someone, anyone. Ask for the chance to talk to someone who can help you get back to just feeling ok again. 

If you or anyone you know needs urgent support, please utilise the resources below:

Lifeline - 13 11 14

Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636

1800 Respect - 1800 737 732

Suicide Callback Services - 1300 659 467

If you’d like to make a Tax Deductible Donation to Liptember, you can donate here.


Forget the superstitions, have a Kit Kat.


Perinatal depression.