Work demands and your mental health.
Liptember 2024 - Day 25
How demanding is your job?
2 in 5 working women in Australia stated that their mental health has deteriorated in the past 12 months due to their work demands.
Working in tax means there is always a demand, a deadline, a timesheet to complete. The compliance of owning a business in this country is huge, and accountants are the unfortunate ones that go unnoticed.
I remember during those lockdown periods, while others were enjoying their work from home ability, I hated it. You get used to working in teams, in collaboration, in person with each other so you can discuss issues and resolve them.
There isn't a month go by that there isn't an ATO deadline to meet. Our clients are too busy running their businesses to meet these deadlines so we become a constant reminder to them that this is due or that is due. All the while trying to stay productive and up to date on all the latest changes that the government continue to deliver.
And lets not forget other stakeholders like ASIC or the banks that also require up to date financials for our clients who are seeking finance or meeting their reporting or loan obligations.
I used to take work home all the time. I'm not so bad now, but there are still times as a part-time worker when you rush out that door for school pick-up and you're still in that clients file for a while in your head. Being so close to resolving an issue or reconciling something only to leave it and come back the next day, does sometimes keep me awake at night.
If you’d like to make a Tax Deductible Donation to Liptember, you can donate here.