Green with envy.

Candy Apple Green LipSense

Liptember 2024 - Day 26

Loud & proud in green lips today, sharing the Liptember awareness message.

It's so easy to be envious of other people in what they have & what you do not. The thing is, you never really know what other people are dealing with or going through.

I've only ever met one woman who has discussed her vaginal health but 24% of women living with vaginal issues experience psychological distress.

SO maybe that crazy woman running around town is just trying to disguise a condition she has to make herself feel better about facing other people, leaving the house, doing the school run, turning up to work.

We can be envious of others, but we'll never truly know what's going on unless we have those sometimes uncomfortable conversations.  

If you’d like to make a Tax Deductible Donation to Liptember, you can donate here.


Birth trauma is real.


Work demands and your mental health.