Birth trauma is real.
Liptember 2024 - Day 27
23% of women who have experienced physical birth trauma also experience perinatal anxiety.
One thing I did learn was that perinatal anxiety can occur any time from the start of the pregnancy up to 12 months after the birth, Chances are, most mothers do experience this and just don't know it.
Based on my own birth experiences, I'm surprised this percentage isn't higher. I had an emergency c-section with my daughter and a 27 hour natural labour with my son. They couldn't have been further apart if I'd tried.
I was anxious when conceiving my daughter as the doctor thought I had PCOS which is why I wasn't getting pregnant. In between pregnancies, I also had my appendix out.
Every woman will have a different story or issues that occurred leading up to or afterwards so we should also be aware of and check in on our new mum friends because they may seem fine, but that anxiety when it strikes, is confronting.
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